Understanding Sexual Assault

‎ Sexual Harassment, The Law And You


Over the last twenty years, laws prohibiting sexual harassment  in  the  workplace  or school  have defined  the  term  to  include  part  or  all  of  the following conduct:

*Unwelcome  or unwanted  verbal,non-verbal,  physical or  visual  conduct based on sex or of asexual nature.

* The acceptance or rejection of which affects an individual’s employment which occurs with the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of a person.

*Unreasonably  interferes  with  an individual’s work performance.

*An  intimidating,  hostile,  degrading,humiliating  or  offensive  workenvironment,  or  which  constitutes  an abuse of authority.

The  following  are  some  examples  of  sexual harassment acts:

*Uninvited physical contact or gestures• Unwelcome requests for sex

*Sexual comments or jokes• Intrusive  questions  or  insinuations  of  asexual nature about a person’s private life• Displays  of  offensive  or  pornographic material such as posters, pinups, cartoons,graffiti or calendars

*Unwanted invitations

*Offensive  communications  of  a  sexualnature  (letters,  phone  calls,  faxes,  emailmessages, etc.)

*Staring or leering at a person or at parts ofhis/her body

*Unwelcome  physical  contact  such  as massaging a person without invitation or deliberately brushing up against him/her

*Touching  or  fiddling  with  a  person’s clothing e.g. lifting up skirts or shirts, or putting hands in a person’s pocket.

The  subordination  of  women  to  men  in  society,violates women’s dignity and creates a health and  safety hazard in school or at work. Sexual harassment in the workplace or school is a violation  of  women’s  human  rights  and  a prohibited  form  of  violence  against  women. Sexual harassment causes incalculable economic,psychological and physical harm to its victims and serves to reinforce the subordination of women to men in the workplace or school.

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